Radiation therapy has been shown to be a highly effective treatment for breast cancer, but the left breast is close to the heart, which leaves the heart at risk of radiation exposure. Ensuring accurate delivery of radiation is especially important for left-breast cancer. In one study, 27% of patients showed heart abnormalities six months after their radiation treatment.¹.
27% Of Patients Maybe At Risk Of Unwanted Cardiac Side Effects
But there is a treatment option that can help: AlignRT, used alongside a technique called Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) can help protect your heart.
DIBH + AlignRT® – A New Standard of Care for Left-breast Cancer
For left-breast cancer patients, one technique used to reduce or eliminate radiation damage to the heart is a technique called Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH). When you take a deep breath, the heart moves away from the breast, creating more space between the two and helping to prevent radiation exposure to your heart. DIBH + AlignRT help to make sure you are breathing in just the right amount of air during treatment.
Help Reduce Your Side Effects
During your treatment, if you lose your breath or move out of the desired position, AlignRT will automatically pause the radiation beam or alert your therapist immediately who will help to reposition you. AlignRT® will help protect your heart and healthy tissue.
How does it work?
AlignRT projects a light on your skin, acting like thousands of virtual tattoos. These images are inputted into a software program that monitors your positioning with sub-millimeter accuracy and ensures you are in the correct position.
When putting your cancer treatment plan together with your physician, be sure to include DIBH + AlignRT®.
Many top cancer centers in the Los Angeles area recognize the clinical and patient benefits of using AlignRT®, the latest precision, radiation technology. Seeking treatment at a center with AlignRT® can help give you confidence that your radiation treatment is being delivered safely.
Find a center today with heart-protecting technology in the Los Angeles area
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